Who should you reach?
Jesus told his disciples that they would be his witnesses in Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, and to the ends of the Earth. In other words, share good news personally, locally, and globally. We hope you will join us as we accept the challenge of reaching out in our personal world (our neighborhood, workplace, school), our local world (our community and city), and our global world. We can do this!
Who do we partner with globally?
• Water Mission
Phone: (843) 769-7395
Website: watermission.org
About: Water Mission is a nonprofit, Christian engineering organization based in North Charleston, South Carolina, USA that designs, builds and implements safe water, sanitation and hygiene solutions for people in developing countries and disaster areas.
How can I get involved with Water Mission? You can reach out to them here: volunteer@watermission.org
• Wings International
Website: wings-international.org
About: Wings International is a Christian non-profit organization with the purpose of meeting both the physical and spiritual needs of children and youth who namely have come from desperate life situations—providing them with hope for both their present and future.
Question about Wings International? You can email Becky Blanchard here: becky@wings-international.org
• The Navigators
Website: navigators.org
About: The Navigators is a world wide ministry that shares the gospel of Jesus and helps people grow in their relationship with Him through Life-to-Life discipleship, creating spiritual generations of believers. The Navigators includes a wide variety of ministries and a broad family of missionaries, supporters, and volunteers.
• Dave Roever Foundation
Website: roeverfoundation.org
About: Dave Roever travels across the world challenging people in crusades, churches, youth rallies, and men’s conventions with the Gospel of Christ. Dave’s testimony of facing the adversity of wounds from his service in Vietnam has ministered to hundreds of thousands of soldiers and civilians.
Who do we partner with locally?
• Charleston Hope
Phone: (843) 608-0185
Website: charlestonhope.com
About: We exist to empower students and teachers in Title 1 schools through relationships, resources, and opportunities.
Want to get involved with Charleston Hope? You can email them here: kendall@charlestonhope.com
• Classroom Mentoring
You can be a mentor at Goose Creek Elementary, Nexton Elementary or College Park Middle School.
Questions about classroom mentoring around the area? You can email Kevin Harris at: kevin@wearenorthwood.com or you can reach out to him via phone at this number: (843) 764-2279
• Remnant House
Website: r-h-outreach.org
About: Remnant House Outreach Ministry is a safe haven for men who have struggled with addiction. At Remnant House, men are immersed in a Christian environment where they can find freedom in Christ and receive Biblical teaching, mentoring, job training, counseling and financial planning.
Questions about the Remnant House? You can contact Jack Dunne here: jdunne7564@aol.com
Want to partner with us to support these organizations and ministries financially?
You can give online by using the button below.
Need help?
Make cookies for your neighbor.
Start a weekly or daily devotional with your family.
Organize a fun night with your neighbors.
Show support for a local foster care family.
Mow your neighbor’s lawn.
Invite your neighbors to church.
Babysit for a neighbor.
Help a widow or single parent with yard work, household chores, etc…
Invite your coworkers to your house for dinner.
Take a dessert to your local fire station.
Show appreciation for a school teacher.
Volunteer at Lowcountry Food Bank.
Volunteer at the North Charleston Dream Center.
Become a classroom mentor at a local school.
Organize an Adopt-A-Block for a local neighborhood.
Volunteer at Remnant House.
Volunteer at Eagle Harbor Ranch.
Visit the elderly at a nursing home.
Give peanut butter and jelly sandwiches to the homeless.
Take coffee, donuts, or bagels to ER workers.
Volunteer to coach a kid’s sports team.
Donate to Wings International.
Volunteer or donate at Water Mission.
Sponsor a child overseas through Compassion International.
Encourage and pray for a missionary.
Go on a mission trip or sponsor someone else who is going.
Always feel free to contact our Outreach Pastor Kevin Harris. You can email him at kevin@wearenorthwood.com or reach out to him via phone at (843) 764-2279.